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Busting 5 Major Mortgage Myths

Becoming a homeowner can be exciting and scary at the same time. As you embark on this new adventure, you’ll want to do your due diligence and research as much as possible. While the internet can be extremely helpful, it can also become a black hole of information and you shouldn’t believe everything you hear. […]

A Reflection On Gratitude

A Reflection On Gratitude  As we celebrate Thanksgiving this week, I am again reminded of all the things I am thankful for in this life. Of course, there are the obvious ones, my health, my family, my home, and the community that is WMG, from the team that has become family, to our incredible clients. […]

7 Things To Do Before Applying for a Mortgage

For most Americans, buying a home is one of the biggest purchases in their lives, one that carries a substantial emotional and financial value. Aside from finding the perfect property, you’ll also need to spend a significant amount of time securing financing. You want the mortgage on your home to be as affordable as possible […]

7 Tips for Successfully Relocating in 2021

Whether it’s your first move or your fifth, relocating can be an exciting, yet overwhelming, experience. 2021 has been a big year for relocating, with thousands of Americans making the move to new cities, suburbs, and even new states. The pandemic made it feel like the world stopped spinning for a while and it forced […]